
For us, sustainability is a prerequisite for Sustainable Development and also a factor in achieving stability and success. The implementation of responsible operating practices is our strategic choice, emphasising and focusing our attention over time on material issues and crucial pillars of corporate responsibility. We strive for a target of zero incidents by constantly improving our workplace while also taking care of minimising our environmental footprint. We build long-term relationships of trust with our customers and partners and we are always on their side supporting the needs of the local communities where we operate.
Click here to read Chairman’s message
Click here to read our decarbonization strategy.

Supply chain responsibility


In our sustainability journey, we promote and diffuse corporate responsibility issues across our entire supply chain. As our suppliers and partners are an important link in our business chain and a determining factor in the quality of our end products, we implement a responsible policy in supply chain management. Our ultimate goal is to operate responsibly, generating added value for all.
We seek to promote responsibility practices throughout the supply chain.




Supplier Code of Conduct

We have developed a Supplier Code of Conduct to encourage sustainable business practices throughout our supply chain. Our Supplier Code of Conduct focuses on promoting business ethics, integrity, transparency and professionalism. Elval’s Supplier Code of Conduct provides a framework that we follow to ensure responsible management of our supplies. The Code outlines our expectations/requirements of our supply chain (suppliers/associates) with regard to sustainability. It covers issues including environmental protection, occupational health and safety, business ethics and anti-corruption, labour practices, transparency, confidentiality, meritocracy and equal opportunities. Elval provides this Code to its suppliers and contractors who are expected to adopt common values and principles with regards to sustainability, which we believe generates two-way benefits. We encourage our suppliers to raise awareness of the Code’s principles across their own suppliers and subcontractors too, further improving the supply chain.



Our supply chain

As an industry, Elval procures large quantities of raw materials, supplies and services for the purposes of its production process. Raw materials and supplies related to production processes, supporting materials or parts, packaging materials and services are all procured.
Due to the nature of its operations, the main volume of materials procured by Elval relate to metals, especially aluminium, as well as consumables essential for the production process. Elval procures both aluminium from primary production (primary cast) as well as scrap aluminium, thereby contributing significantly to its recycling and to promoting a circular economy in Europe.
Elval’s supply chain is made up largely (both in terms of volume of supplies and in terms of cost) of metal merchants and suppliers from both Greece and abroad. Elval has a large list of suppliers (in Greece and abroad)



Promoting sustainability in the supply chain

Supplier management is a critical factor in Elval's growth and, for that very reason, it implements specific procedures for the responsible supply chain management.


‘’We practice responsible procurement, respecting human and labour rights’’

In this context we seek to create and maintain a supply chain that would adopt and implement financially, environmentally and socially responsible methods and practices, which is a challenge and a commitment for us through Elval’s sustainable development strategy.
For Elval, its suppliers are key business partners, as the quality of the materials and components it procures has a direct effect on its products. Supplier management is a critical factor in Elval's growth, and for that very reason, it implements specific procedures for the responsible supply chain management.


‘’We strive to work with suppliers who respect the environment and implement responsible practices’’

Our associates are selected and evaluated in order to improve overall performance in terms of sustainable development at Elval. They are evaluated based on business criteria and also on environmental and social responsibility criteria using a relevant questionnaire. In the process of evaluating our suppliers/associates, the candidates’ compliance with environmental management systems is positively evaluated, while for specific types of suppliers their performance on environmental issues is critical for their evaluation and subsequent selection or rejection. Relevant criteria are followed for compliance with health and safety regulations at work by cooperating contractors. Compliance with Elval’s health and safety policy and the relevant legislation is the responsibility of our associates and is a prerequisite for cooperation. Additionally, through respective inspections, we make sure to confirm that the staff of Elval contractors is insured as required by the relevant legislation.


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